
Many staff
There always seems to be far too many staff buzzing around behind the counter at Pražírna. 6 or 7 baristas and serving staff seems to be a bit over the top for a café of its size. But I suppose if you specialise in making coffee that takes a while to drip, then you need the staff to watch it drip. And if you pride yourself on cheesecake, you need people to cut the perfect slice; the geometry of the slice is a fine art. They are a friendly enough bunch and working here looks fun but it always appears there is one too many and maybe the customers are getting in the way. The other perturbing thing about this café is the amount of reserved signs on the tables. At first sight this can seem that there is nowhere to sit, but don't be put off, on closer inspection you see that the table says it’s reserved for 18.45 when the clock has hardly struck two; so there is plenty of time to perch and drink Pražírna's self-roasted coffee for an hour or so before being turfed out. 
Tanzania Drip Coffee
If Macbooks have become the measure of how hipster a place is, than this place is hipster heaven, Macbooks prevail among the computer users and even the non Macbook users have the sleek Windows versions that look suspiciously applesque. If facial hair is your measure of beatnik, then you will find Pražírna suitably beardy.  But despite the preponderance of apple products, and moustaches, I would not call this place strictly hipster. 
As I sit in the front room now I am the youngest of the 11 customers and by quite some distance. When the silver set are not hogging the tables, there’s a tendency for prams to block the walkways as expat mothers discuss world problems like the lack of beetroot in Marks and Spencer. Then, when the mums shuffle out the place is taken over by English teachers pontificating on the use of the present perfect simple and like most pontificators, getting it wrong. So maybe this is the perfect place to start your hipster coffee journey, the coffee is good, the staff are helpful and if you ignore the reserved signs there will be place for you to while away an hour or two. 

If you enjoyed this review, and you would like a story to go with your coffee, please check out my short story blog here and my story inspired by hipster coffee here.

For the website of the cafe visit here. If you visit this cafe on my recommendation, please tell them why you came and if you enjoyed this blog please share it with your friends. 

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